I had to go to my doctor for a regular check up (no cholesterol check this time but in 3 months - last one, good cholesterol up 25%, triglycerides down from over 200 to 90 something and bad cholesterol up but we are monitoring. The doc was happy) My last visit in October I had lost 10 lbs since the previous visit.
But Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and my birthday trip came and went along with bites of things I shouldn't eat - not going crazy - but things like just one little package of M&Ms, a couple bites of stuffing, 2-3 of my favorite cookie that my mother in law makes once a year, etc. On the other hand I did complete a 2 day meat fast, kept my non-holiday obvious carb intake to a minimum (no toast, no pasta, no cakes, pies, rice etc) and tried to be good overall.
And so the big question....how much did I gain back. Step on the scale, keys out of pocket (why does the doctor office scale always show heavier numbers?) and I gained 3 pounds. Whew! Still have 70% of my weightloss intact, and new resolve to get back on a stricter LC diet, AND this time add my treadmill walks back in too.